At lights on after school conference I was able to attend 2 amazing lectures. First one was about Advocating in school and the second one was about non profit organizations. Although I am not a teacher I really enjoy both lectures. The first one give me a lot insights about the importance of everybody in staff being in the same page and believing in the same philosophy. Also, it gives up some guidelines to help us to get the community involve to advocate in the school issues. It gave us options on partnership that can be created in the school environment. I had never seem schools logistics in this matter so it was very interesting. The second lecture was about to non profit: Rosie’s girls and Downcity design. This was about advocating for change through partnership. This lecture was just amazing. I did not how many people are out there trying to help the community and finding way to get youth to grow and learn life skills. I was amazed with the strength and faith both women had on their organizations and how passionate they were about their work. It gave me hope that one day I would be able to start my one non profit organizations. I have this hunger to help the community but I never new how to start, so this lecture definitely helped me as youth worker.
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