Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Youth Workers - Seven is the magical number

An Educational Practice

Educating young people is a practice and a learning process not only for young people, but definitely to youth worker. It requires different approaches to adjust to each individual to create a trustful relationship between worker and young. As a youth soccer coach, I try to be aware of differences between players. Players can come from different level of skills, can have different personalities, can have different believes when comes to soccer, can go through different issues at home, can be in a different growth phase... So many things to take as consideration before approach the player as a personal and as a player. The informal education the book talks about is definitely part of my philosophy as a coach, where I try to influence the players to think and live the game throughout different opportunities and activities, and hopefully bringing the learning and mentality to the real world.

Social Practice

The social practices is focused in the idea that young people generally is more open to learn and trust when they can relate to their peers. I truly believe this extremely important when young people has a visual and close example of what they would like to become. Youth workers have the opportunity of being not only an educator but also an idol for young people. I use my personal experience in the daily basis in my work. It is nice to see young players trusting your work and dreaming to be similar to you.

Social Justice

Getting out of the bubble, and being aware of social injustice, but more important, the youth worker have the ability to promote ethical attitudes, and sense of community. As the book mentioned, this characteristic of youth worker is crucial and important for the society and a whole. Youth worker should be able to lead as an example, not oppressing, intimidate, or exclude. Helping to improve young people's ability to reflect and critical analyzing situations. My personal case, my goal is to learn and teach how to respect other through the sports. Music and sport have this beautiful and magical thing that bring us together and breaks prejudices and discriminations.

Young people should be involved

This part of the book, they talk about how nice would be if young people was involved in youth work voluntarily. However, young people tends not to attend less formal youth groups/clubs/work as much they would if it was school or places that they are compelled to attend. Instead of fighting the willing of young people to attend less formal environment, why not improving the work making a "distinc and positive contributions" at the places they are compelled to attend. That is why my job is so important. In theory, young people comes to soccer practices voluntarily. They make friends and they enjoy being there. If we are able to create a healthy and consciousness environment, where players are also involved in the community and developing as young leaders. I believe this could be great.

The huge influence
"Empowerment, participation, active citizenship and democratic engagement", the book mention this as influences the youth work can potentially have in the young community throughout their value work. Youth worker can help young people understand their role in the society and give them power as well.

Holistically and welfare practice

This part of the book talks about the difficulty having a pre-determined welfare-oriented goals and the actually promotion of informal education. Especially when working in different agency context. Youth work should take in considerations that these people are young, and majority of the times they cannot control their environment or their influences, which causing a lot challenges in their lives. The book talks about that it is possible to have a balance between education goals and welfare interventions, and being able to also have an positive impact in the community.

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