Hey, my people.

What are you up to?
Currently and for the last four years, I have been lucky enough to coach soccer for living. I find it fascinating and one of the best jobs in the world (if you dont agree, please, dont kill my vibe). Spend pretty much everyday of my week (including holidays) teaching , mentoring, and learning from tiny human beings. If I could I would only spend the time of my life with animals and kids. Summarizing, what am I up to? having the best time of my life in a daily basis.
"Learning is the only thing that the mind never exhaust, never fears, and never regrets" Leonardo da Vinci

After spending beautiful days down in Savannah, Georgia, I ended up in the cold snowy oystery Newport, RI. My style of coaching start changing. Although I am very intrigued about the physiology part of the game, I started to be more curious about the educational/psycological/leadership part of coaching. Dealing with so many different personalities, and NEVER giving up in any of my crazy creatures that I called "players", I realized I needed more than just physiology to make them the best they could be. Coaching goes beyond the four white lines, I am very happy to find a school with education background that has also focus in youth development. I am very passionate about coaching and helping "my kids" as much as I can. I believe these kids teach me so much, and I just hope I can reciprocate the same to them.

Cool... Do you do anything else though?
YES!!! Since I stopped playing, I decided to get out of this grass bubble that I lived from so long. I do yoga in daily basis, and I am super into exercising, wall climb, read, and eat like a pig. When I am not busy with any of these things, I spend all my free time with my MVP Ronaldo- my cat, my life, the reason of my existence (yes, he has a soccer player's name).
I love your post there so visual and descriptive. Your start of the post makes me want to read more.