Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Care me!


The articles shows that there are several way that teacher show care and care about students. Some teacher believe in their abilities to impact students life, others are just "being there" to guidance and support the student. Some of them advocate for their beliefs to support other students beliefs. Others don't hide their differences with the expectations to show that being different can also means being successful and still have a sense of community 

"We really can impact some children where they live in a way no one else can and maybe no one else ever could"/ 

Some teachers believe their appearance shows how much they care about their students. The nicer they dress more important it is. Other teacher would like to provide something the students probably don't have outside of the class room, such as love, friendship, support, organization  and cleanness. A learn area should be clean, organized, and safe.

On my work site I see caring been shown as personal relationship. Very close relation coaches with players with a lot respect. Just today I had a parent who asked me to meet with his daughter to talk about her anxiety. I sad for 1 hour to talk to her about how sometimes she can't leave the car because she is so nervous to play the game. Other times I believe we show care through the way we talk to them, and how out of our way we go to help to provide knowledge and structure to help them o succeed.

My personal youth business (SKEFFIT) is starting a partnership with a charity youth project in Brazil. The goal now is helping the girls from FC Boston understand and support different cultures and backgrounds.

Also, making sure they appreciate what they have here and everything their parents works so hard to
provide. They should try to do the same towards other communities and other kids with needs. 


  1. Hi Skeff,
    I loved reading your blog!!! It reminds me so much of the teachers back home and my sister's current teacher. Each day after school she sends a text to all the parents letting them know the agenda for the next day and a summary of how the day went. I think that its awesome bc it shows dedication and care and the student is less likely to fall behind if they didn't go to school.

  2. Your pictures bring a person touch to the post. I like reading the post about your coaching and how it works into your life.
